Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2017


Eggs are one of the healthiest foods in the world. What’s more, they’re not an expensive ingredient and the best thing about them is that they can be prepared in so many different ways. When it comes to their nutritive value, they’re rich in iron, amino acids, and antioxidants. However, a more nutritious variant and a variant without the presence of hormones and antibiotics are organic eggs.

For those who don’t know this fact, the body produces eleven essential fatty acids whereas other 9 important fatty acids are found in eggs. According to the Health Center, if the body doesn’t have these 9 fatty acids, the risk of chronic tiredness, poor skin and hair health, and poor immunity are much higher.

The benefits of eating eggs on a regular basis:

Stronger immunity– if you eat one or two eggs per day, your immunity will have no problem fighting of infections since eggs will supply the body with selenium which is highly beneficial for the regulation of the thyroid gland hormone and for a stronger immunity.

Less stress and anxiety- the amino acids in eggs better the mental health and encourage the release of serotonin which is a neurotransmitter responsible for calmness, good mood, and relaxation.

Regulated cholesterol levels– although one egg has around 200 mg of cholesterol, they actually lower the bad cholesterol and increase the good.

Stronger teeth and bones- along with the sunrays, eggs are the best sources of vitamin D which is pivotal for the development and proper growth of the teeth and bones. It also encourages the absorption of calcium which is crucial for the digestion and the health of the heart.

Healthier skin- eggs contain B-complex vitamins which are necessary for the health of the skin and hair as well as for the functioning of the liver and eyes. Research has found that B-complex vitamins are important for the nervous system and cognition.

Weight loss- eggs are known to prolong the feeling of satiety so they make a great breakfast. Thus, they will help you avoid food cravings and you will reduce the risk of overeating. Studies point out that people who eat eggs for breakfast tend to eat fewer calories during the day.

Improved vision- eggs have lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that strengthen the vision and reduce the chance of eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts.


Without doubt, garlic has become a very popular food nowadays since it’s an essential part of different types of cuisines. It’s usually added to dishes to enhance their flavor, but garlic is also known to have potent medicinal properties, especially when eaten raw.

It’s believed that it can prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure, as well as coronary heart disease. Moreover, it’s known to help with bug bites, cold, flu, hay fever, fungal infections, and traveler’s diarrhea. Believe it or not, it also has the power to regulate diabetes and to control the symptoms of enlarged prostate and osteoarthritis. Garlic is also known to encourage the removal of toxins and to strengthen the immune system.

If you decide to consume garlic raw, make sure you mash it and then take it on an empty stomach because a full stomach cannot absorb all its benefits. To improve your health and to strengthen your immunity, you should take a look at the following natural remedy consisted of garlic and honey.

You will need:

2 to 3 cloves of garlic

A tbsp of organic honey

Preparation: Chop the cloves and then mix them with the honey.

Use: Take the mixture on a daily basis.

Another very powerful tonic that can cure a sore throat and treat flu and cold symptoms is presented below:

You will need:

5 garlic cloves

A tbsp of ginger

Apple cider vinegar

 A lemon

2 red chili peppers

Preparation: Before you begin preparing the tonic, make sure to put on gloves to avoid burns or rashes if your skin is sensitive. Then, chop the onion and put it into a Mason jar from 350 ml and put them on the bottom of the jar and then chop the garlic and add it to the jar. Next, add the hot peppers together with the seeds, as well as the ginger, squeezed lemon juice, and the apple cider vinegar. Make sure there is half an inch free space from the rip and keep the jar in the pantry.

Use: If you want to use it as prevention, take it on a daily basis, whereas if you want to get relief from symptoms, consume it regularly until they reduce and completely disappear.


Hypertension or otherwise called high blood pressure is a typical medical issue influencing an incredible number of individuals. People who suffer from hypertension ordinarily have the perusing of 140/90mmHg.

This implies you are under the typical malady of hypertension.

If not treated, hypertension can be a genuine condition that can bring about calamitous conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular sicknesses, intellectual conditions, aneurysms and even kidney problems.

Despite the fact that many individuals utilize professionally prescribed drugs to standardize their circulatory strain, these meds can cause different symptoms, including sleep deprivation, tipsiness, and even leg spasms.

Along these lines, the best thing you ought to do is take characteristic cures that are totally protected and accessible.

Today, we have 3 natural cures that are amazingly viable on account of hypertension. Your circulatory strain will have returned to ordinary once more. Look at them!


Required Ingredients:

  • Water
  • Slices of Lemon


Put the juice of one lemon into a glass of water and devour this consistently in the morning before your breakfast.

Lemons can keep up the adaptability and delicacy of the veins. Along these lines they can bring down the hypertension.


Garlic is stuffed with sulfur mixes as trisulfide that can bring down the circulatory strain and dispense with the unsafe poisons and cholesterol out of the body.

These mixes can invigorate the generation of nitric oxide and direct the hypertension, in this manner making the veins expand.

You ought to expend 2-4 cloves of fresh garlic in the morning before your breakfast or before going to bed at night.

It is prescribed to devour the garlic crude and new in light of the fact that the way toward cooking can make the garlic to lose its imperative supplements.


Required Ingredients:

  • Water
  • 1/8 teaspoon of Baking Soda
  • Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar or ACV is pressed with different helpful minerals including calcium, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals are basic for managing the blood stream and bringing down the circulatory strain on the course dividers.

Simply mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water. Keeping in mind the end goal to acquire the best outcomes, devour this two times every day.

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017


Inflammation is one of our guard systems and makes expanded blood stream to a harmed territory to battle disease and advance recuperating. This is intense aggravation. It is the chronic kind – that sticks around for a considerable length of time and years – that we truly need to worry about.

Here are the main 10 nourishments to decrease inflammation:

Green Tea/Matcha
EGCG is the dynamic catechin in Matcha and green tea and it is an effective cancer prevention agent and calming compound. Actually, a cup of matcha has 137 times the measure of EGCG contrasted with a cup of green tea.

Fatty fish-Salmon or Sardines
One of the best wellsprings of anti-inflammatoryomega-3 EFAs, fatty fish is one of the best known calming super sustenances. The sorts of omega-3s in these fish (EPA and DHA) are the sorts of omega-3s utilized by your body, so there is no compelling reason to change over it to a dynamic structure, making it unbelievably edible and powerful.

Dark leafy greens
Leafy greens are a decent wellspring of vitamin E, which may assume a key part in preserving the body from expert provocative particles called cytokines. They likewise tend to have higher centralizations of vitamins and minerals—like calcium, iron, and illness fighting phytochemicals than lighter-shaded veggies. Obviously greens are an extraordinary wellspring of fiber which and exploration reveals too, it brings down C-responsive protein — a marker for inflammation.

This stunning tropical organic product has been utilized for a considerable length of time by South-American human civilizations to treat heartburn and irritation. The dynamic fixing is called Bromelain, which is a mix if distinctive chemicals found in the core of the natural product. The dominant part of studies has looked at the medical advantages of Bromelain in remedial doses (i.e. supplementation).

Good wellspring of vitamin E, which may assume a part in preserving the body from the harming impacts of aggravation. Much the same as leafy greens, almonds are a decent wellspring of fiber, which has been indicated to diminish levels of C-receptive protein. At the point when looked at ounce for ounce, almonds are the tree nut most leading in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin.

Hot peppers
In the event that you feel that hot or spicy is equivalent to inflammations, you would not be right! While you may get a surge of warmth, the same chemical that makes peppers hot, capsaicin, likewise give them their inflammatory impacts. Capsaicin is even utilized as a part of topical creams intended to lessen irritation.

Tomatoes are a phenomenal hints of the cancer prevention agent, vitamin C, which can help avert aggravation by lessening the impacts of free radicals coursing all through your body. Tomatoes are likewise an incredible wellspring of lycopene which help empower the creation of messenger proteins that start the calming reaction. Great news for all you pasta-heads out there as well; cooked tomatoes contain much more lycopene than crude ones, so tomato sauce contains too.

Beets are one of the best detox superfoods, however they are likewise stars in the anti-inflammatory department well. They are an awesome wellspring of fiber, vitamin C and phytonutrients called betalains that give both calming and cell reinforcement advantages.

Turmeric owes its calming superpowers to curcumin, the same segment that gives it that brilliant golden -orange tone. Curcumin meets expectations by obstructing the arrival of compounds that create an inflammation reaction. The calming impacts of curcumin have been indicated to be equivalent to powerful medications hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone and also over-the-counter mitigating agents, for example, Motrin. On the other hand, it is obvious eating an entire sustenance has none of the negative symptoms that pharmaceuticals have.

Garlic is another mitigating superstar. Utilized as an effective recuperating sustenance for quite a long time, garlic’s inhibiting so as to calm properties work the movement of inflammatory messenger particles. Consider it ibuprofen you can develop in your greenhouse, as it works utilizing a fundamentally the same component. Garlic additionally contains sulfur mixes which have been demonstrated to repress the pro-inflammatory messengers.

To exploit these intense anti-inflammatory nourishments, you need to incorporate them in your eating regimen on an on-going premise. Much the same as disease and irritation develop after some time, so does the mending impacts of these nourishments. This is the reason why eating them on a progressing basis is crucial.

#healthyfood #healthyeat #healthyliving #homeremedies 


Are you in the mood for cooking a delicious breakfast? It is so easy and tasty that everybody will admire your cooking skills! Japanese Omelette is the name of the breakfast.

Despite the fact that it is easily cooked, the most amazing thing is that you will need 7 simple ingredients only!

To prepare this delicious dessert you will need about 20 minutes.


  • 8 eggs
  • 180 milliliter bonito stock
  • 3 grams salt
  • 30 grams sugar
  • 1 tablespoon mirin
  • 1 tablespoon sake
  • 1 paper towel

Watch the video below how to prepare this delicious Japanese Omelette:

#recipe #japanese


There is a right way and a wrong way to go about doing practically everything. There are all the ways that fall in between those two opposite extremes. This awesome cooking idea that is presented in this video falls somewhere in the middle. In it, the YouTube Home Cooking Adventure channel demonstrates us how to utilize the bakeware for cooking up, something other than traditional muffins. It highlights a way to utilize the tin to bake delicious Parmesan potato treats that your whole family will love and appreciate. These are the ideal accompaniment for dinner rather than the same old baked and mashed potatoes that we are all used to eating.  These are the necessary ingredients and instructions on how to prepare them:

  • Necessary ingredients: (Serves 4-6 people)
  • 3 tablespoons of melted butter
  • 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of thyme leaves
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 8-10 gold potatoes, sliced very thin
  • Muffin tin (with 12 cups)


The first thing you have to do is to preheat the oven to a toasty 350° Fahrenheit and oil or butter up the muffin tin. In a large bowl, put all the potato slices and pour the melted butter, Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, thyme, and salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients, so that everything is nice and evenly coated. Take the slices containing butter and put them into the muffin cups, making sure to stack and layer them as you go. Pop the muffin tin in the oven. You should bake for approximately 55-60 minutes. They will be done when the top and edges turn golden brown. After you remove them, leave them to cool for at least a couple of minutes before serving. If you like, you can sprinkle a bit more salt and pepper or Parmesan cheese on top.

These potatoes will be delicious and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. You should try them out this weekend.



British and Italian researchers claim that eating one banana in the morning, afternoon, and evening, supplies your body with sufficient potassium amounts and thus, lowers the risk of blood clots in the brain by 21%.

Namely, a 2011 report published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology indicated that stroke can be prevented or the chances for it can be reduced thanks to the potassium present in certain foods like fish, lentils, and spinach.

Furthermore, scientists found out that daily intake of 1600 mg of potassium helps decrease the chances for stroke. One average-sized banana contains 500 mg of potassium; so, three per day will successfully decrease high blood pressure and maintain proper brain and nerve function.

Other benefits of bananas

Besides potassium, bananas are rich in vitamin B6, manganese, biotin, dietary fiber, and vitamin C, which regulate the function of the digestive system. One banana contains 108 calories and little cholesterol, fat, or sodium, which are known to cause weight gain. Bananas are a highly recommendable snack for athletes who are always in a need of an additional energy boost. This is because bananas are low in glycemic carbohydrates.

  • Lowers depression– they’re rich in tryptophan, a protein which the body converts into serotonin- a compound that improves the overall mood.
  • Regulates blood pressure-thanks to the potassium in bananas, you will be able to regulate your heart function and the body’s fluid balance, which lowers the risk of strokes and high blood pressure.
  • Treats constipation-one banana has over 3 grams of fiber; so, if you struggle with constipation, consume bananas on a daily basis to improve your bowel function. This is a far better, healthier, and more natural alternative to laxatives.
  • Hangover cure-banana smoothies sweetened with some honey are excellent for treating hangovers. What’s more, they soothe the stomach’s lining, whereas honey will restore the blood sugar levels.
  • Improves bone mass-according to research, the potassium in bananas prevents the decay of bones.
  • Stops stress-potassium is excellent in regulating one’s heartbeat. When a person feels stressed, their metabolic rate increases whereas the potassium levels drop.
  • Smoking-bananas are rich in vitamin B12 and B6, along with magnesium and potassium, which help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
  • PMS-as bananas are rich in vitamin B6, they will normalize the body’s glucose levels and improve your mood.
  • Anemia-bananas, being rich in iron, encourage the production of hemoglobin.
#healthyfood #healthyeat #healthyliving #homeremedies 

Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017


According to newest research, 7 ingredients have the power to increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment and when consumed regularly, they can even prevent further spread of cancer cells.

You’re probably wondering which foods are these and whether you like eating them or not. You’ll be surprised to hear that they’re very tasty and people like eating them. That is, there is rarely a person who dislikes black chocolate, blueberries, tomatoes, turmeric, curry, green tea, and red wine.

Besides being tasty, these foods can prevent the development of cancer by inhibiting angiogenesis, that is, they cut off the blood supply to the cancer cells which results in reduced growth of the cancer cells. And, when the cells are deprived of new blood vessels, they lack the nutrients and oxygen for further development.

Angiogenesis is a physiological process of blood vessel formation during early stages of fetal development. This process happens throughout our lives as well, that is, any time we damage the blood cells through burns, cuts, and other injuries. This is how new blood vessels form and it has to do a lot with cancer, as you could previously read.

The process is led by activators and inhibitors and although most cancer research dwells on inhibitors, the activators are the ones which cause the formation of new blood cells. What’s more, most cancer drugs are inhibitors whose function is to neutralize the activity of the activators and put an end to angiogenesis.

The previously mentioned foods are important because they have the same anti-angiogenesis effect. Let’s take a look at each of the foods separately:

Red wine- resveratrol, present in grape skins, has the power to prevent premature aging and heart disease. Moreover, this is a potent substance that can also better the glucose tolerance, increase the energy and mental alertness, remove free radicals, bacteria, and viruses, and repair DNA. In fact, 225 ml of red wine supplies you with 640 mcg of resveratrol whereas Bordeaux and Pinot Noir have even higher concentrations.

Dark chocolate- chocolate with 70% cocoa is good for the cardiovascular health, but it’s also good in increasing the effectiveness of the cancer treatment.

Coffee and green tea– these drinks improve the energy levels and reduce the growth of cancer.

Tomatoes-newest study done at Harvard showed that regular consumption of organic tomatoes decreases the chances of prostate cancer by 50%. Also, the study pointed out the ability of tomatoes to impede angiogenesis due to their high amount of lycopene, a potent anti-cancer agent. Lycopene is easily metabolized and its concentration increases even more when it’s exposed to high temperatures-this is why cooked tomatoes are more efficient in the prevention of cancer growth.

Turmeric-besides being an excellent aid in the weight loss process, this amazing spice can prevent the onset of cancer and its development.

Raspberries and blueberries-rich in phytochemicals, these berries have anti-cancer characteristics, especially when it comes to ovarian cancer. They also lower the oxidative stress and angiogenesis.


When thinking about a healthy lifestyle, besides leading a healthy diet, regular physical activity and regular exercise are pivotal. The exercises presented below are so powerful that they can help you shed those few extra pounds and shrink your waist circumference. Believe it or not, you can have the body you’ve always wanted. Let’s take a look at the exercises in detail:


Planks strengthen the shoulders and shape the abdominal muscles. Begin in push-up position on the ground and bend the elbows to 90 degrees and hold the body straight. Hold the position as much as you can without moving the buttock or waist.


Squats strengthen the core, speed up the burning of fat, and build the hams, calves, and quads. With the feet shoulder-width apart, roll the shoulders down and back away from them and stretch the arms in front of the body. Next, bend the knees and bring the hips forward and lower yourself to put the thighs in parallel position to the floor and the back straight. Then, press the feet into the floor to go back to the primary position.


This exercise focuses on strengthening the abdominal muscles and the lower back. While in plank position, prop yourself onto the knees and hands. Afterwards, stretch one leg and the opposite arm in the same time and maintain the body balanced. Hold the position for a couple of seconds and then go back to the primary position and repeat the same with the other leg and the opposite arm.

Lying hip raises

This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, back, thighs, hamstrings, and glutes. Lie on the floor and bend the knees. Keep the feet flat on the floor and extend the arms out to your sides at a 45-degree angle. Squeeze the glutes and raise the hips upward by tilting the pelvis. In the end, go to the primary position and repeat the exercise.


Push-ups target all body muscles and so they strengthen the whole body. While in plank position, place the hands under your shoulders to push the whole body up. Hold the buttock, back, and legs in a straight line. Next, lower to the floor and repeat.

THE 4-week exercise plan

It is consisted of two basic workouts. Let’s take a look:

1st Workout

  • Plank – 1 minute;
  • Push-ups – 1 minute;
  • Squats – 2 minutes;
  • Bird-dog – 1 minute;
  • Lying hip raises – 1 minute;
  • Plank – 1 minute;
  • Push-ups – 1 minute;
  • Squats – 2 minutes

Make a 10-second break.

2nd Workout

  • Plank – 3 minutes;
  • Bird-dog – 3 minutes;
  • Lying hip raises – 3 minutes;
  • Push-ups – 1 minute
  • Rest for 15 seconds

Here’s the program for the whole month:

1st Week

  • 1st Day – 1st Workout
  • 2nd Day – 2nd Workout
  • 3rd Day – 1st Workout
  • 4th Day – 2nd Workout
  • 5th Day – 1st Workout
  • 6th Day – 2nd Workout
  • 7th Day – rest

2nd Week

  • 1st Day – 2nd Workout
  • 2nd Day – 1st Workout
  • 3rd Day – 2nd Workout
  • 4th Day – 1st Workout
  • 5th Day – 2nd Workout
  • 6th Day – 1st Workout
  • 7th Day – rest

After the second week, follow the plan of the first week once more and then finish with the second week plan. After a month, your body will be stronger and more energized and your health will significantly better.


Maintaining your health in a good shape is not an easy task. This process becomes even more difficult as a person ages and the organs and functions in the body deteriorate and cause additional health issues like colon obstruction or loss of vision. When the liver is filled with toxins, it can have a negative influence on the overall health as well.

However, there is a natural ingredient that can solve this problem. Beetroot is a reddish veggie which is mostly consumed in salads. Besides the great taste, beets can cleanse fat deposits from the liver, prevent digestive tract obstructions, and help you restore your vision. But, this isn’t all-beets have so many other benefits. Let’s take a look:

  • Improve the circulation
  • Strengthen the heart
  • Boosts your energy levels
  • Relax the nerves
  • Prevent tension
  • Fight off free radicals

Below, you have a recipe for a potent natural remedy consisted of beets and other healthy ingredients that you should consume daily if you want to improve the function of your liver and restore your eyesight:

2 to 3 medium-sized beetroots

2 onions

Olive oil



Preparation: First, you need to peel the beets and then cook them in water with a bit of salt. Then, cut them into small slices and put the slices into a bowl. Next, cut the onion into slices and add them to the bowl with beets. Sprinkle the salad with some olive oil and vinegar and add salt to taste. Leave the salad for an hour and then you can consume it.


Believe it or not, a very simple, but potent ingredient can stop a heart attack in only one minute. John Christopher, a popular herbalist, discovered a beneficial method for stopping a heart attack. His contribution to alternative medicine is very significant. The ingredient, according to him, is cayenne pepper.

Cayenne pepper is a type of chili pepper and you should always have it in your kitchen cupboard because you can never know whether you will need to save someone from a heart attack. According to the Scoville Heat Units, cayenne pepper has 90,000 Scoville units. Habanero, African Bird, Thai Chi, Jamaican Hot Pepper, Jalapeno, and Scotch Bonet are pepper species with the same SHU value. Cayenne pepper can be found in supermarkets, health food stores, and green markets.

How can cayenne pepper help if a person is having a heart attack?

You should give the person to drink a glass of water mixed with a tsp of cayenne pepper. However, if the person is unconscious, put few drops of cayenne pepper extract under the patient’s tongue.

Being a potent stimulant, cayenne pepper will increase the heart rate and transfer blood to all body parts and thus, it will balance the circulation. Cayenne pepper has calcium, zinc, selenium, and magnesium which are important minerals. It’s also rich in vitamins A and C.

Dr. Schulz’s recipe for cayenne tincture

You will need:

Cayenne pepper

1 to 3 cayenne peppers

50% alcohol, vodka for example

One liter glass bottle


Preparation: First, put on the gloves and then fill one quarter of the bottle with cayenne pepper and pour the alcohol so that it covers the pepper. Then, in a blender, blend the peppers and alcohol until you get a sauce-like consistency.  Next, add the blended mixture to the bottle to fill 3/4 of the bottle. Then, pour alcohol to the top of the bottle and close it. Store the bottle in a dark place for 2 weeks and shake it daily. After two weeks, strain the content and keep the tincture in a dark bottle. Keep it in a dry and dark place.

Dr. Schulz’ dosing recommendations

  • Give 5 to 10 drops of the tincture to a conscious patient who has suffered a stroke or a heart attack.
  • After 5 minutes, give the same dosage again
  • Repeat this until the patient’s condition betters
  • Put 1 to 3 drops under the patient’s tongue if he/she is unconscious and begin CPR
  • Do the same after 5 minutes
  • Repeat the same until you notice improvement in the patient’s condition

Other benefits of cayenne pepper

  • It prevents phomopsis and colletotrichum
  • It encourages the production of gastric juices and relieves gases
  • The capsaicin in cayenne pepper prevents the development of tumors in patients with lung cancer
  • It’s very beneficial against stomach problems, flu, migraines, allergies, obesity, arthritis, and toothaches


One thing’s for sure, we all want to have a vibrant, glowing facial skin free of acne, blemishes, scars, etc., especially women. For that purpose, they spend a lot of money on treatments and products to achieve this, however, most of these treatments or products are ineffective or their effect is short-term. Nonetheless, did you know that you needn’t spend a lot of money and time on such resorts because you can better the quality of your skin with the help of a potent natural remedy?

Believe it or not, this remedy is powerful that it can remove wrinkles, scars, and stains from the face. The key element of the ‘magical’ solution is honey, sweet and natural nectar produced by bees. It encourages the skin’s glow and makes it healthier and shinier. This mask can fight off acnes, blemishes, discolorations, and scars on the face.

Here’s how to prepare it:

A tbsp of organic honey

A tbsp of ground nutmeg

A tsp of lemon juice

A tbsp of powdered cinnamon

Preparation: Put all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix them well. If you have a sensitive skin, add a bit more honey. If you need to mask to be thinner, dissolve it with water.

Application: Apply it onto the affected areas, but make sure to avoid applying it too close to the mouth and eyes. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Apply a moisturizing cream after tapping the skin dry.

While the mask is on, you might experience a tingling sensation, however, don’t worry because this is a sign that the mask is doing its thing.


Despite what you may have thought by now, elderly people aren’t the only ones prone to a stroke. In fact, strokes can happen to people of all ages. Therefore, it’s crucial to be able to recognize the most common early signs and seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

For that purpose, we’ve made a list of the 10 most common symptoms of stroke. Let’s take a look at the list:

Pain in the face, usually on one side

Sometimes, when a stroke is about to happen, a person may experience pain stabs in the extremities or on one side of the face.

Inability to catch a breath

Sudden loss of breath and difficulty breathing are very common for people who are having a stroke since the lack of oxygen causes arrhythmia.

Loss of vision or blurry vision

44% of stroke patients have experienced loss of vision or blurry vision in one or both eyes.

Loss of balance and inability to walk

A lot of stroke patients have reported general weakness in the upper and lower limbs prior to a stroke. Some have even experienced paralysis and collapse. In order to test whether you are having a stroke, open the arms wide with the palms up and try to hold them for 10 seconds. If one of the arms falls, it means that your muscles are weak and you’re probably having a stroke.

Facial paralysis

Usually, only one side of the face is paralyzed when a person is experiencing a stroke.

Sudden headache and/or vertigo

Usually, vertigo happens in women younger than 45 and this is a clear sign that you need a medical assistance.

Trouble speaking and understanding speech

This symptom may vary from tiny confusions to inability to speak and delirium.


According to studies, women often feel confused, disoriented, and tired prior to a stroke.

Migraine and headache

According to a study, 588 of the participants who suffered from a stroke were young people who experienced a sharp headache or suffered from migraine.

How to reduce the chances for a stroke

Be physically active

Eat healthy food

Get enough sleep

Regulate your body weight

Don’t smoke

Reduce the intake of alcohol

Senin, 09 Oktober 2017


Gout is a chronic condition, similar to arthritis, which is characterized by accumulation of uric acid in the bloodstream due to breakdown of waste that passed through the kidneys. When the kidneys are unable to remove the uric acid, deposits in the form of crystals are created in the joints. The most common signs of gout are sudden pain in the joints, heat, redness in the painful area, and tender joints.

The conventional therapy for gout is medications; however, they are not as effective as it’s commonly believed. There is a far more this health problem. Let’s take a look at the recipe now:

One pineapple

One small ginger root or 3 tsp of ginger powder

2 tsp of turmeric powder

A cup of black cherry juice

A bit of organic honey

A cup of celery juice

Preparation: First, peel the pineapple, remove the stems, and then cut the pineapple into smaller pieces and blend them. Then, add the cherry juice, the celery juice and the ginger and turmeric. Blend the ingredients once more and add a bit of honey to taste. Transfer the remedy into a glass jar, close it, and store it in the fridge up to 10 days.

Use: Drink from the remedy daily to alleviate and even reduce the gout symptoms to a minimum.


The spine or the vertebral column is crucial since it offers our body protection and support. Therefore, it’s of vital importance to take good care of it and thus, prevent back damage. Prolonged sitting is known to cause back pain and even severe spine damage. However, other factors can play a role in your back problems, as well as certain health problems.

Sometimes, this can grow into other serious health issues like problems with the discs, joints, muscles, and bones. A very beneficial way to treat back-related problems is with adequate exercises. In the video below, Vytas Baskauskas, yoga teacher, shows some of the best exercises for back pain that will take only 2 minutes of your time, but the results will amaze you.

For the exercises, you will need an exercise mat and a strap. During the exercises, it’s crucial to focus on your breathing in order to lower the tension and relax the body. When you start doing the exercises daily, you will notice a significant improvement in the health of your spine and the back pain will disappear completely.

Minggu, 08 Oktober 2017


Tamarind, a fruit, originates from Africa and Asia and it’s very common in Indian cuisine and people from these regions frequently consume it combined with salt and pepper. The fruit has a specific taste and it’s very tasty. Besides being a real treat, it has numerous health benefits as well. These are only some of them:

Betters the eyesight

Tamarind is rich in vitamin A which is great for the eyesight and it also lowers the risk of age-related macular degeneration and many other eye-related health problems.

Treats hair loss

Boil tamarind in water until it softens and then squeeze the liquid which you need to apply onto the scalp by massaging it gently. Leave it for an hour and then rinse it with warm water.

Treats diabetes

Tamarind has the power to regulate the blood sugar levels and thus, treat diabetes. You can purchase tamarind paste from the local health store and mix it with jamun and some herbs. Consume the mixture regularly to balance the blood sugar levels.

It has a beneficial effect on the heart

Tamarind has important vitamins and minerals like potassium which is crucial for a healthy cardiovascular system. The fiber in tamarind will control the cholesterol and fight off free radicals. These are the main reasons why tamarind has been a part of Ayurveda medicine for centuries.

Controls joint inflammation and pain in the connective tissues

Tamarind has potent anti-inflammatory characteristics that can lower the pain and thus, protect the connective tissues. It also has antibacterial properties that will keep the body safe from infections. Tamarind is very nutritive and has compounds that will strengthen the immunity, cleanse the body, and prevent diseases.

Even though most of us reach for painkillers whenever we have a health problem, as you saw above, the solution to any health problem can be found in nature. Tamarind, as well as many other fruits, can help you maintain your health at an optimal level.


According to scientists, the fruit with the best health benefits in the world is dates. They have the power to alleviate and prevent numerous health problems like cholesterol, hypertension, stroke, and heart attack.

When added to one’s diet, dates will improve the body’s metabolism due to the richness in nutrients. Below, there is a list of the 8 health properties of dates. Let’s take a look:

They have an abundance of iron

If you suffer from anemia or if you’re pregnant, dates are an excellent food for you. The needed daily amount is 100 grams which contains around 0.9 mg of iron or 11% of the recommended daily intake of iron. Iron is also beneficial for the hemoglobin and the red blood cells and it also encourages the oxygen flow through the blood.

They prevent diarrhea

Dates are rich in potassium, an essential mineral which prevents diarrhea by alleviating the gut flora and the intestines and thus, it stimulates the creation of good bacteria.

They soothe constipation

If you suffer from constipation, you can stop it by leaving few dates in a glass of water overnight and then drinking the liquid in the morning. This will better your digestion and the laxative properties will alleviate the constipation.

They control body weight

Eating dates on an empty stomach is a great way to prevent surplus fat. However, don’t exaggerate with their consumption as they’re rich in sugar.

They regulate the cholesterol levels

Dates balance the cholesterol levels by cleansing the blood vessels and preventing blood clots.

They strengthen the heart

To make your heart stronger, soak few dates in water overnight and in the morning, remove the dates from the water and take out the seeds. Next, blend the seeds in a blender and consume them on their own or add them to smoothies or other foods.

They regulate blood pressure

If you have high blood pressure, you should definitely add dates to your diet as they’re rich in potassium and free of sodium. 5 to 6 dates have 80 mg of magnesium, an important mineral, which spreads through the blood vessels and betters the blood flow. 370 mg of magnesium are needed for reduction of the blood pressure.

They prevent strokes

The potassium in dates improves the health of the nervous system and thus lowers the risk of strokes. 400 mg of potassium daily is the amount needed to prevent strokes.


The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in our bodies. When it becomes inflamed, it causes an uncomfortable pain felt from the ribs down to the knees. Although resting offers relief, it’s not a long-term solution. Other very common symptoms of sciatica are discomfort while sitting, heavy legs, tingling sensation, etc.

Sciatica is a painful condition and it can lower the quality of life of people who suffer from it. In order to resolve this problem, we will show you a very simple method:

Here’s what you need to do:

Before going to bed, put 10 liters of warm water in a bucket and add a handful of salt and half a liter of ACV. Mix the content well and then put your feet in the bucket and soak them until the water cools down. Afterwards, rinse the legs and then wrap them in a dry towel to keep them warm while sleeping or add an additional blanket over them. The next morning, put on slippers and don’t walk barefoot until you shower.

The pain and discomfort will disappear after the first treatment. You can repeat the treatment whenever you feel pain and discomfort or every six months.


As we age, our bodies begin to gradually deteriorate and the first signs of aging start to appear. The most common first sign of aging is pain in the joints and bones. The pain is usually felt in the knees, a vital body part since the knees support most of the body weight during standing and movement.

This is why the knees are most prone to damages throughout the years. At a certain period, the knees begin to lose their flexibility and thus they lower the ability to perform even the simplest daily tasks. The problem will become even worse if you don’t treat it timely. Below, you will find a recipe for a potent natural remedy that can lower the pain in the knees and better the vitality of your joints and bones. Your pain will significantly reduce after the first use and you will move with ease.

You will need:

2 tbsp of cayenne pepper (cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin, a potent compound with soothing properties as well as analgesic characteristics which will warm the painful area and thus lower the discomfort and ache)

A cup of ACV

½-inch ginger root, grated


Put the ACV in a bowl and add the ginger and cayenne pepper and mix the ingredients well until you get a paste.


Apply the paste onto the painful areas two times per day and leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse the area.

If you apply it on a regular basis, you will experience a significant reduction in the pain and with time, the pain will disappear altogether.


According to several studies, allcin, the active compound of garlic may have the same mechanism as blood pressure drugs. It’s believed that garlic can prevent the formation of angiotensin, II, a hormone and it can also relax the blood vessels. Moreover, it’s great for people who suffer from high levels of bad cholesterol because it has the power to control it.

Garlic is a tasty addition to a variety of dishes; however, as you read above, it has some pretty amazing health benefits as well. What’s more, if the garlic is homegrown, then you’re on the right track! According to a study, people who took garlic supplements daily lowered the risk of colds and flu by 63%. Garlic is also great against ear infections and stubborn staph infections.

However, in some people, when eaten raw, garlic may lead to bad breath, gas, nausea, strange body odor, heartburn, etc. Also, there are other groups of people that should be careful with their consumption of garlic. Let’s take a look:

  • It’s a natural anticoagulant; therefore it’s beneficial against circulatory problems by making the blood more fluid and thus, preventing blood clots that may lead to thrombosis, strokes, etc. But, be careful, when you use it in combination with anticoagulant medications, you can cause unnecessary speeding of the blood flow and eventual bleeding
  • Garlic should not be consumed with medications because it may cause additional problems; therefore, consult your physician if you suffer from some condition or a disease
  • When excessively consumed, garlic and onions may damage the gastrointestinal tract and lead to discomfort
  • People who suffer from low blood pressure should eat garlic moderately because it may additional lower the blood pressure


Apparently, ginger, a well-known spice we frequently add to different dishes to enhance the flavor, has the power to prevent cancer. But, it has numerous other health benefits as well. Turmeric comes from the same family as ginger and newest research has concluded that ginger might be as potent as turmeric. So, the question which arises is whether natural cures can be more effective than conventional cancer treatments, like chemo and radiation, which are known to cause more harm than good.

According to a study done by Georgia State University, ginger extract reduced the sizes of prostate tumor in mice by 56% and it also reduced the inflammation in the mice with the help of its antioxidants. Another study, published in PLoS, found that 6-shogaol-a component of ginger, targeted the main reason behind breast cancer, i.e. breast cancer stem cells.

Cancer stems cells are also causers of other types of cancers as well, not just breast cancer. These cells have the ability to self-renew and differentiate continuously. Also, they are resistant to conventional chemo.

The researchers concluded that the anti-cancer properties of ginger happened at concentrations that weren’t toxic to the non-cancerous cells. So, ginger was able to destroy the cancer cells only, leaving the healthy ones intact. Selective cytotoxicity is not the case with conventional cancer therapies. 6-shogaol causes death of breast cancer cells, i.e. it induces a programmed cell death by inducing autophagy. It’s also known to prevent the formation of breast cancer lumps.


Believe it or not, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on pedicures and expensive foot care products since there are natural methods that can help you treat cracked heels and make the skin on the soles soft and beautiful again. One of the best remedies is the 3-step method presented below.

First, you need to fill a pedicure bowl with lukewarm water and add 2 spoons of baking soda and 2 spoons of salt. Soak the feet in the mixture for 15 minutes and afterwards, pat them dry and rub them with pumice stone in order to remove the dead layers of skin.

Second, you need to scrub the feet with a mixture of 2 spoons of olive oil and a spoon of sugar for 5 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the feet with water.

Third, put 2 spoons of olive oil and a small piece of candle in hot water and wait for the candle to melt and the water to cool down. Then, apply this content onto the feet and put on socks. Wear the socks overnight and remove them the next morning.

Repeat the method regularly until the cracks are gone.


No doubt, baking soda is widely used in household cleaning, as it is very effective for cleaning and eliminating odors. But, baking s...