Kamis, 23 Agustus 2018


No doubt, baking soda is widely used in household cleaning, as it is very effective for cleaning and eliminating odors.

But, baking soda not only serves to keep our home clean and with a pleasant smell, but also for the care of hair and skin, among others.baking-soda

Today in this article we will show you 7 wonderful uses of baking soda which can make you beautiful and attractive like never before:

You just need to mix a little baking soda with some water until you get the consistency of a paste. You should apply it on the skin with gentle circular movements for 40 seconds and rinse with cold water.

2.Provides shine to the hair.
This is due to the fact that sodium bicarbonate acts on the hair fibers strengthening the hair. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda for every 4 liters of water and every time you wash your hairrinse it with this water.

3.Natural deodorant
Make a light paste with a little baking soda and water. You should apply it directly on the armpits giving gentle massages with circular movements.

4.It eliminates the bad odor of the footwear.
Sodium bicarbonate has properties that effectively neutralize odors. You should only place 1 tablespoon of baking soda inside the shoe, spread it very well, let it act for 40 minutes and then remove it.

5.Whiten your teeth
You need to make a paste with baking soda, salt and water. You should brush your teeth using this mixture, rinse very well with water and brush again but with the common toothpaste to remove the remains of baking soda.

6.Lighten the clothes
Mix baking soda, white vinegar and water in equal parts. Then pour the mixture into a deep bowl and place the clothes so that it is completely covered by the mixture. Leave to act for 3 hours and wash as usual.

7. Protect from the sun.
You just need to make a mixture with a little baking soda and water until you get a smooth consistency. You should apply on the skin giving gentle massages and remove with warm water.

The Best Food For Brain Health

There is no question that some fairly common and inexpensive foods can also be good for your brain, and if you have brain complaints, these best brain foods become an essential addition to your diet. You are probably familiar with many of these foods, but just didn’t know that they could help with the smooth functioning of your brain.


Start your day with either a bowl or a side of oatmeal. Add a handful of blueberries to the cereal, or have them in yogurt. Wash that down with a glass of pomegranate juice, and you have primed your brain for a day of increased clarity!


For lunch have a salmon steak with salad and added avacado.  The omega-3 is great for your brain as well as your heart! The salmon can be grilled (after brushing with olive oil, or lightly pan fried or baked). The salad can be any green vegetable, but try to have spinach 2 to 3 times a week. Lemon or lime-aid will make a great beverage.  Lunch should be your heaviest meal so that you have energy to burn throughout the rest of the day.


Your dinner will be a lighter meal, but you don’t have to go to bed hungry.  Beans and lentils are the answer. They are inexpensive and many have antioxidants which are essential to metabolic health not just for your brain, but for all of the cells in your body.  You can add meat to your beans to make them heartier.  Add a light sandwich on a high fiber bun, and another side of fresh vegetables.  Get some exercise after dinner. . . go for a walk.

The antioxidants and the free-radical stabilizers are all good for your cells, and especially your brain! Wildly colorful fruits and vegetables provide these necessary chemical components.  Canned and processed foods just don’t have the special effects of freshly picked (or cooked) foods. Have a handful of nuts or seeds between meals as a snack, they’re easy and very good for you!

Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2017


Eggs are one of the healthiest foods in the world. What’s more, they’re not an expensive ingredient and the best thing about them is that they can be prepared in so many different ways. When it comes to their nutritive value, they’re rich in iron, amino acids, and antioxidants. However, a more nutritious variant and a variant without the presence of hormones and antibiotics are organic eggs.

For those who don’t know this fact, the body produces eleven essential fatty acids whereas other 9 important fatty acids are found in eggs. According to the Health Center, if the body doesn’t have these 9 fatty acids, the risk of chronic tiredness, poor skin and hair health, and poor immunity are much higher.

The benefits of eating eggs on a regular basis:

Stronger immunity– if you eat one or two eggs per day, your immunity will have no problem fighting of infections since eggs will supply the body with selenium which is highly beneficial for the regulation of the thyroid gland hormone and for a stronger immunity.

Less stress and anxiety- the amino acids in eggs better the mental health and encourage the release of serotonin which is a neurotransmitter responsible for calmness, good mood, and relaxation.

Regulated cholesterol levels– although one egg has around 200 mg of cholesterol, they actually lower the bad cholesterol and increase the good.

Stronger teeth and bones- along with the sunrays, eggs are the best sources of vitamin D which is pivotal for the development and proper growth of the teeth and bones. It also encourages the absorption of calcium which is crucial for the digestion and the health of the heart.

Healthier skin- eggs contain B-complex vitamins which are necessary for the health of the skin and hair as well as for the functioning of the liver and eyes. Research has found that B-complex vitamins are important for the nervous system and cognition.

Weight loss- eggs are known to prolong the feeling of satiety so they make a great breakfast. Thus, they will help you avoid food cravings and you will reduce the risk of overeating. Studies point out that people who eat eggs for breakfast tend to eat fewer calories during the day.

Improved vision- eggs have lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that strengthen the vision and reduce the chance of eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts.


Without doubt, garlic has become a very popular food nowadays since it’s an essential part of different types of cuisines. It’s usually added to dishes to enhance their flavor, but garlic is also known to have potent medicinal properties, especially when eaten raw.

It’s believed that it can prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure, as well as coronary heart disease. Moreover, it’s known to help with bug bites, cold, flu, hay fever, fungal infections, and traveler’s diarrhea. Believe it or not, it also has the power to regulate diabetes and to control the symptoms of enlarged prostate and osteoarthritis. Garlic is also known to encourage the removal of toxins and to strengthen the immune system.

If you decide to consume garlic raw, make sure you mash it and then take it on an empty stomach because a full stomach cannot absorb all its benefits. To improve your health and to strengthen your immunity, you should take a look at the following natural remedy consisted of garlic and honey.

You will need:

2 to 3 cloves of garlic

A tbsp of organic honey

Preparation: Chop the cloves and then mix them with the honey.

Use: Take the mixture on a daily basis.

Another very powerful tonic that can cure a sore throat and treat flu and cold symptoms is presented below:

You will need:

5 garlic cloves

A tbsp of ginger

Apple cider vinegar

 A lemon

2 red chili peppers

Preparation: Before you begin preparing the tonic, make sure to put on gloves to avoid burns or rashes if your skin is sensitive. Then, chop the onion and put it into a Mason jar from 350 ml and put them on the bottom of the jar and then chop the garlic and add it to the jar. Next, add the hot peppers together with the seeds, as well as the ginger, squeezed lemon juice, and the apple cider vinegar. Make sure there is half an inch free space from the rip and keep the jar in the pantry.

Use: If you want to use it as prevention, take it on a daily basis, whereas if you want to get relief from symptoms, consume it regularly until they reduce and completely disappear.


Hypertension or otherwise called high blood pressure is a typical medical issue influencing an incredible number of individuals. People who suffer from hypertension ordinarily have the perusing of 140/90mmHg.

This implies you are under the typical malady of hypertension.

If not treated, hypertension can be a genuine condition that can bring about calamitous conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular sicknesses, intellectual conditions, aneurysms and even kidney problems.

Despite the fact that many individuals utilize professionally prescribed drugs to standardize their circulatory strain, these meds can cause different symptoms, including sleep deprivation, tipsiness, and even leg spasms.

Along these lines, the best thing you ought to do is take characteristic cures that are totally protected and accessible.

Today, we have 3 natural cures that are amazingly viable on account of hypertension. Your circulatory strain will have returned to ordinary once more. Look at them!


Required Ingredients:

  • Water
  • Slices of Lemon


Put the juice of one lemon into a glass of water and devour this consistently in the morning before your breakfast.

Lemons can keep up the adaptability and delicacy of the veins. Along these lines they can bring down the hypertension.


Garlic is stuffed with sulfur mixes as trisulfide that can bring down the circulatory strain and dispense with the unsafe poisons and cholesterol out of the body.

These mixes can invigorate the generation of nitric oxide and direct the hypertension, in this manner making the veins expand.

You ought to expend 2-4 cloves of fresh garlic in the morning before your breakfast or before going to bed at night.

It is prescribed to devour the garlic crude and new in light of the fact that the way toward cooking can make the garlic to lose its imperative supplements.


Required Ingredients:

  • Water
  • 1/8 teaspoon of Baking Soda
  • Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar or ACV is pressed with different helpful minerals including calcium, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals are basic for managing the blood stream and bringing down the circulatory strain on the course dividers.

Simply mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water. Keeping in mind the end goal to acquire the best outcomes, devour this two times every day.

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017


Inflammation is one of our guard systems and makes expanded blood stream to a harmed territory to battle disease and advance recuperating. This is intense aggravation. It is the chronic kind – that sticks around for a considerable length of time and years – that we truly need to worry about.

Here are the main 10 nourishments to decrease inflammation:

Green Tea/Matcha
EGCG is the dynamic catechin in Matcha and green tea and it is an effective cancer prevention agent and calming compound. Actually, a cup of matcha has 137 times the measure of EGCG contrasted with a cup of green tea.

Fatty fish-Salmon or Sardines
One of the best wellsprings of anti-inflammatoryomega-3 EFAs, fatty fish is one of the best known calming super sustenances. The sorts of omega-3s in these fish (EPA and DHA) are the sorts of omega-3s utilized by your body, so there is no compelling reason to change over it to a dynamic structure, making it unbelievably edible and powerful.

Dark leafy greens
Leafy greens are a decent wellspring of vitamin E, which may assume a key part in preserving the body from expert provocative particles called cytokines. They likewise tend to have higher centralizations of vitamins and minerals—like calcium, iron, and illness fighting phytochemicals than lighter-shaded veggies. Obviously greens are an extraordinary wellspring of fiber which and exploration reveals too, it brings down C-responsive protein — a marker for inflammation.

This stunning tropical organic product has been utilized for a considerable length of time by South-American human civilizations to treat heartburn and irritation. The dynamic fixing is called Bromelain, which is a mix if distinctive chemicals found in the core of the natural product. The dominant part of studies has looked at the medical advantages of Bromelain in remedial doses (i.e. supplementation).

Good wellspring of vitamin E, which may assume a part in preserving the body from the harming impacts of aggravation. Much the same as leafy greens, almonds are a decent wellspring of fiber, which has been indicated to diminish levels of C-receptive protein. At the point when looked at ounce for ounce, almonds are the tree nut most leading in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin.

Hot peppers
In the event that you feel that hot or spicy is equivalent to inflammations, you would not be right! While you may get a surge of warmth, the same chemical that makes peppers hot, capsaicin, likewise give them their inflammatory impacts. Capsaicin is even utilized as a part of topical creams intended to lessen irritation.

Tomatoes are a phenomenal hints of the cancer prevention agent, vitamin C, which can help avert aggravation by lessening the impacts of free radicals coursing all through your body. Tomatoes are likewise an incredible wellspring of lycopene which help empower the creation of messenger proteins that start the calming reaction. Great news for all you pasta-heads out there as well; cooked tomatoes contain much more lycopene than crude ones, so tomato sauce contains too.

Beets are one of the best detox superfoods, however they are likewise stars in the anti-inflammatory department well. They are an awesome wellspring of fiber, vitamin C and phytonutrients called betalains that give both calming and cell reinforcement advantages.

Turmeric owes its calming superpowers to curcumin, the same segment that gives it that brilliant golden -orange tone. Curcumin meets expectations by obstructing the arrival of compounds that create an inflammation reaction. The calming impacts of curcumin have been indicated to be equivalent to powerful medications hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone and also over-the-counter mitigating agents, for example, Motrin. On the other hand, it is obvious eating an entire sustenance has none of the negative symptoms that pharmaceuticals have.

Garlic is another mitigating superstar. Utilized as an effective recuperating sustenance for quite a long time, garlic’s inhibiting so as to calm properties work the movement of inflammatory messenger particles. Consider it ibuprofen you can develop in your greenhouse, as it works utilizing a fundamentally the same component. Garlic additionally contains sulfur mixes which have been demonstrated to repress the pro-inflammatory messengers.

To exploit these intense anti-inflammatory nourishments, you need to incorporate them in your eating regimen on an on-going premise. Much the same as disease and irritation develop after some time, so does the mending impacts of these nourishments. This is the reason why eating them on a progressing basis is crucial.

#healthyfood #healthyeat #healthyliving #homeremedies 


Are you in the mood for cooking a delicious breakfast? It is so easy and tasty that everybody will admire your cooking skills! Japanese Omelette is the name of the breakfast.

Despite the fact that it is easily cooked, the most amazing thing is that you will need 7 simple ingredients only!

To prepare this delicious dessert you will need about 20 minutes.


  • 8 eggs
  • 180 milliliter bonito stock
  • 3 grams salt
  • 30 grams sugar
  • 1 tablespoon mirin
  • 1 tablespoon sake
  • 1 paper towel

Watch the video below how to prepare this delicious Japanese Omelette:

#recipe #japanese


No doubt, baking soda is widely used in household cleaning, as it is very effective for cleaning and eliminating odors. But, baking s...